2013 Mommy Project {Personal} {516 Photography}
Website: http://
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/ Week 1 | Teaching Hannah's first bike. She had a hard time figuring out how to pedal but once she got it, she was off! Proud of my lil girl! :)
Week 2 | Playing Cooking me lunch and talking to her cousins. She was asking them to come over. :)
Week 3 | Musical
Week 4 | Sad Sad from the movie Fluke, lol!
Week 5 | Pretending Pretending to be her daddy :) http://www.516-photography.com/week-six-mommy-project-2013/
Week 6 | Shopping Shopping for toys at Target :) http://www.516-photography.com/week-seven-mommy-project-2013/
Week 7 | Loving Loving Logan :) http://www.516-photography.com/week-eight-mommy-project-2013/
Week 8 | Bathing Stacking her bath toys. She was so excited it didn't fall. :) http://www.516-photography.com/week-nine-mommy-project-2013/
Week 9 | Naptime No naps for this lil girl anymore but I was able to get a shot of her in the morning still zonked out. :) http://www.516-photography.com/week-ten-mommy-project-2013/
Week 10 | Sharing Mojo wishing she would share her ice cream, lol! http://www.516-photography.com/week-eleven-mommy-project-2013/
Week 11 | Active Pirouette, lol! http://www.516-photography.com/week-twelve-mommy-project-2013/
Week 12 | Sweet Took my sweet girl to the candy store for some sweets :) http://www.516-photography.com/week-thirteen-mommy-project-2013/
Week 13 | Challenging It's always a challenge to get her to do her workbook. http://www.516-photography.com/week-fourteen-mommy-project-2013/
Week 14 | Tradition Saying her prayers every day :) http://www.516-photography.com/week-fifteen-mommy-project-2013/
Week 15 | Singing Singing along to Britt Nicole's song Gold :) http://www.516-photography.com/week-sixteen-mommy-project-2013
Week 16 | Happiness Happy to be free :) http://www.516-photography.com/week-seventeen-mommy-project-2013/
Week 17 | Cooking Pancakes for breakfast :) http://www.516-photography.com/week-eighteen-mommy-project-2013/
Week 18 | Emotional Didn't want daddy to go to work :(
http://www.516-photography.com/week-nineteen-mommy-project-2013/ Week 19 | Dressing This is what Hannah does every single day! She goes through all her drawers and throws all her clothes on the floor, trying to figure out what to wear! lol! :) http://www.516-photography.com/week-twenty-mommy-project-2013/
Week 20 | Family
Week 23 | Natural
Week 25 | Growing
Week 27 | Proud
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